A quick update on a few things:
1) I've added a new section called "Work In Progress". It's, well, images that are a work in progress. Some are brand new images. Some are old images and things I'm still trying to find a home for. Some are not completely edited, and some are (though I only do very limited editing). Some are collections of photos working towards a series. This is the place to come to see me sort out my ideas. Currently, there are only three images, but in the next few months, I expect the page to have a few hundred or more. They will park here until they find a home, and then they will move to the home. Images that never find a home may live here for a while, or only for a few days. Images that had a home may get parked here if I remove them from a collection.
2) I've decided to remove previous versions of existing collections. The website was getting too confusing. Show archives will only have shows that I'm not longer working on. Shows that I start working on again will move out of archives and back into the main section. If there is an image you like and want to find it, email me. I'm sort of organized and can probably find it.
3) I will polish the extended versions over time, but they frequently will not be in sync with the current short versions. it's just too much work and a little too polished for my test.
4) If you haven't figured it out, the whole idea of this website is "work in progress" and to give a view to the process. If you like photography and art as much as I do, I hope you'll be as interested to peek behind the scenes as you are in seeing the "finished product". I don't need to be a magician. I'll let you choose if you want to see the polish or the dirt.
5) Finally, I've started to submit to bricks and mortar galleries. It's been a long road, but it's been worth the wait. I'll update as I go!
One final note of decorum: if you really like an image and want to take a screenshot, by all means, go ahead. Just please do not print it or distribute it in any form. If your needs require this, please contact me or send a link of this website. I want the images to be seen and appreciated. I am acutely aware of how easy it is to steal ideas and hard work, as I've worked in media most of my life. Over the years, I've found that assuming most of us are decent and reacting to that premise works better than assuming most of us are not, and reacting in kind. We all work hard. Let's support each other instead of tearing each other apart!